Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pirate eyes, they're watching youuuuu...

Okay - just to be clear - I do know that the song isn't Pirate eyes. I DO. Just my attempt at a catchy title.

Now. On with the story...

On our recent trip to Christchurch we took the older boys to a 1, 2 and 3 dollar shop at Eastgate so they could blow all their dosh on junky stuff - you know, the usual.

JJ Jonstarrrr got himself (amongst other things) a wee Pirate kit that had more in it than you'd have thought! An eye patch, pirate treasure/coins (of course), a nasty plasticy pirate bandana and a clip on pirate-y hoop earring.

Chris tried it on for laughs and to see if his beard made him look extra pirate-y. The result made me erupt in fits of uncontrollable laughter - see for yourself:

Chris/Fuzz: How does it look?
(or he may have said How do I look? or perhaps he meant do I look pirate-y? Suit a pirate-y hoop earring?)
Me: You look like you have a keyring in your ear.

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